Missing outages under planned maintenance in Service PortalIssue Planned Maintenance in Service Portal is missing some outagesCauseThe 'Planned Maintenance' Service Portal widget was customised Resolution Revert the 'Planned Maintenance' [sp_widget] to the out-of-box (OOB) version Go to the Planned Maintenance Portal pageClick Ctrl + Right-click on the page and it will give you a list of optionsChoose Instance in Page Editor and check the Widget if it is a customised version of the widgetModify the UI page to use the out-of-box (OOB) widget 'Planned Maintenance' by choosing in the widget dropdown and SaveIf you have not added a custom version and have modified the out-of-box (OOB) version, you need to go to the platform or advanced view.In the navigation bar, type in sp_widget.list to go to the list of Service Portal widget records.Filter in the Name or the sys_id of the widget 'Planned Maintenance'In the Versions related list, select both Custom (current) and Upgrade versionClick on Action on selected rows > Compare > Revert to Selected version which is the OOB versionSave. Baseline your customisation from the out-of-box (OOB) version