Discovery to NetApp storage did not trigger horizontal patternIssue Run Discovery to a NetApp Storage server but the discovery stops after the classification stage.ReleaseKingstonCauseThe System Property glide.discovery.sensors.netapp_native_cluster_mode was set to falseResolutionSet the value of the property glide.discovery.sensors.netapp_native_cluster_mode to true.Related LinksThe instance where this issue was detected had been provisioned initially with the Kingston version. The value of glide.discovery.sensors.netapp_native_cluster_mode is by default true. If the instance was upgraded to Kingston from an earlier version, the value is false. In the Classifier Probe: HorizontalDiscoveryProbe-Horizontal Patt (/ there is a condition script: DiscoveryStorageUtilities.checkUseNetAppClusterModePattern() which triggers the script include "DiscoveryStorageUtilities" that makes use of glide.discovery.sensors.netapp_native_cluster_mode in the checkUseNetAppClusterModePattern() function.