In an many-to-many relationship between two tables where one table is a related list of the other, an attribute given to a field will work in the list view of the parent table, but not on the related list view. Description The related list is showing a sys_id instead of the actual user-friendly data content. For instance, if setting "Assigned to" as the condition in the list view of the table, it will be shown "Assign to = Abel Tutor". However, on the related list, it will be shown "Assing to = 7589434957498574938-5749875349". If users are only looking at the record with the related list, then the sys_ID information will be useless. Steps to Reproduce 1. In an OOB instance create two tables. Table A and Table B. 2. Join Table A and Table B in a many-to-many relationship by creating an Application File called "Many-to-Many Relationship." 3. In Table B, create two fields, a condition-type field (field1), and a table-name field (field2). 4. Make the condition-type field (field1) dependent on the table-name-type field (field2). 5. Add the attribute "readable=true" to the condition-type field. You will see, if you add the condition field to the list view for Table B that now the information put into the conditions field shows in a human-readable format--user=Jim instead of user=kladsjflhsdfjkadfo2312 (a sys_id). 6. On a view for Table A, add the related list for the many-to-many relationship to that view, if it is not added already. Do this by opening any record and clicking the menu icon in the top left of the screen and say "configure>related lists" and then add the table that represents the many-to-many relationship. 7. Once that related list is on the view, right-click any column header within that related list and say "Configure>List Layout." Then, expand out the options for fields on Table B, and select the condition-type field from Table B (field1) to be displayed in the related list on the view for the related list on Table A. You will see that instead of reading as "user=jim", it will be displayed in the exact same way in this related list as if the attribute on that condition field were "readable=false." Workaround After carefully considering the severity and frequency of the issue, and the cost and risk of attempting a fix, it has been decided to not address this issue in any current or near future releases. We do not make these decisions lightly, and we apologize for any inconvenience. As a workaround, add the dependent column as part of the list view, for example the column 'Table Name' to be added to the list view if wanted to have a readable 'Condition' type column. Related Problem: PRB1303559