How to make standalone Virtual Agent client page redirect to login for unauthenticated usersIssue We provide a feature to load the standalone Virtual Agent web client to onto a browser via URL link:$ or via iFrame (if embedding into a web page). But this web client is by default accessible publicly (even for unauthenticated users) even though the topics are not made public. This article focuses on how to make this web client interface non-public such that it redirects users to login before proceeding further with virtual agent chat.ResolutionThe page to focus on is $sn-va-web-client-app.Under Application Navigator, navigate to System Definition > Public Pages. (If you don't see this module, please check Additional Information below)Look for the record under Page field/column with the above name.You will notice that Active field is set to true.Set it to false. This will ensure unauthenticated users to get redirected to login page when this standalone URL is accessed. Additional steps to make this work with Single Sign On (SSO). - When using MultiSSO_SAML2_Update1 as the Single Sign-On Script in the Identity Provider: Navigate to System Definition > Script IncludesFind the "SAML2_update1" script include.Find the following piece of code in the script field: needNavFrame: function(requestURI, request) Add the following if condition inside needNavFrame to remove the navpage from the virtual agent standalone client: if (requestURI.indexOf("sn-va-web-client-app") >= 0){return false;} Save the changes to the script includeProvide end user with the following URL : https://<instance>$ Related LinksActivate the public pages module: AdministerServiceNow