Commented out code produces error in performance analytics script: Not all references of "current" are passed in by "arguments"DescriptionCommented out code produces errors in performance analytics script:Error during JavaScript evaluation: Not all references of "current" are passed in by "arguments".Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a Performance Analytics Script.2. Add the following lines:var diff=function(x,y){return y.dateNumericValue() - x.dateNumericValue();};var hours=function(x,y){return diff(x,y)/(60*60*1000);};//hours(current.opened_at, current.resolved_at);hours(current.opened_at, current.u_resolved);3. Save the script.4. Configure the automated indicator.5. Configure automated breakdowns and breakdown mappings.6. Add the automated indicator to a data collector job.7. Run the job. Note the error in the log:Error during JavaScript evaluation: Not all references of "current" are passed in by "arguments" script: var diff=function(x,y){return y.dateNumericValue() - x.dateNumericValue();}; var hours=function(x,y){return diff(x,y)/(60*60*1000);}; //hours(current.opened_at, current.resolved_at); hours(current.opened_at, current.u_resolved);WorkaroundAfter carefully considering the severity and frequency of the issue, and the cost and risk of attempting a fix, it has been decided to not address this issue in any current or near future releases. We do not make this decision lightly, and we apologise for any inconvenience. As a workaround, remove any field names or line of code from the comment.Related Problem: PRB1036110