How to Create a Custom System Properties PageIssue Just as there are corresponding properties setting pages for many of the major modules in the system, users can also create a custom properties page for their own custom modules or other modules on the system that may not already have a properties page. This article will describe how a user might create a custom properties page. If a user wants to add a property to an existing Properties page (either a custom page or a pre-existing page), check KB Article How to Add a System Property to a Properties Page which describes how to do add properties to existing pages.ResolutionThe procedure to create a custom property page are performed over several distinct sets of steps; Create and configure the module, Create the Properties Category, and lastly populate the category. Create the Application Module As mentioned, the first step is usually to create and configure the application "Module" which will open the properties page. To do this, browse to the following location on the instance: System Definition -> Modules. This should cause a list of modules to display. To create a new module, click the New button. Populate the New Module form with the applicable data: Name: The name is how the actual Module will display in the Menu Navigator, so a name that is descriptive of the types of properties that will be on the page is probably best (i.e. Quote Properties). Application Menu: This should contain the upper level Application menu on which this Properties Page menu option should be associated to. Use the Search button to search for and select the needed value from all the Application Menus on the system. If this value is left bank, this will be a top-level menu option. Order: The order field will determine its positioning in the current list of menu options at the same level of the menu. Hint: This is the pop-up tool-tip that will appear when a user hovers the mouse over the menu. Active: Ensure this checkbox is selected to ensure the Menu Option will display on the system. Use the Roles selection field to determine for which roles this particular menu option will appear. Link Type: Select URL (from Arguments:) from the pull-down menu. In the Arguments field, the URL will be entered that will correspond to the UI page that is intended to be used on which to display the page. The vast majority of the current existing properties pages on the system are configured to use the default system_properties_ui page, thus you will probably want to populate this field with something similar to the following:<WindowTitle>&sysparm_category=<CategoryNames> Where <WindowTitle> is the text that you would prefer to appear at the top of the Properties Page window, and <CategoryNames> is a comma delineated list of the Category Names which will contain the properties you want to have appear on the rendered properties page. These system properties will be added to these categories in later steps outlined below. As an example, the URL for the example Quote Properties page described above might have this Arguments field populated similar to the following: Quote Properties&sysparm_category=Quote Properties,System Quote Properties If you want to have the Properties page open within the main frame, leave the Window Name field blank. However, if you prefer to have a new window open, provide a name in the Window Name field. This name should be descriptive of the purpose of the Properties page (i.e. Quote Properties). Once satisfied with the data in each field, click the Submit button to save the record. Create the Properties Categories The usual next step is to create the Properties Categories if they do not already exist. This should correspond to the properties name as specified for CategoryNames when creating the Application Module. The following steps show how to create this Module: Ensure to be logged into the instance with an account having admin rights to the instance. Browse to the following location on the instance: System Properties -> Categories. A list of System Property Categories should appear. Click the New button to create a new Category. Fill out the following fields on the new System Property Category record: Name: This is the name for the category as it will displayed in the list and in associated lists for properties. It should be the exact same as a CategoryName specified in the URL in the Arguments field of the module created in the steps above. Title: This will be text that will be displayed above this grouping of properties on the page. This is an HTML editor field so can include HTML formatted text and can be as lengthy as needed, to include details regarding the properties in this section. Once satisfied with the Category record, click the Submit button to save this category to the system. Repeat for each category that is to be included on the system properties page. Populate the Properties Categories The next step is to populate each Category that is appear on the page with the actual properties that should appear in that properties category section. There are several ways this can be done, including the following which is most efficient if you are aware of the specific system property names you want to add to the category: Ensure to be logged into the instance with an account having admin rights to the instance. Browse to the following location on the instance: System Properties -> Categories. A list of System Properties Categories will appear. Locate one of the System Properties Categories you have just added and which you want to appear on the System Properties page. Click the name of the record to open it. Scroll to the Properties related list for the record. Click the Edit button associated with this Related List. A slushbucket form should appear with a list of all the system properties on the left. Select from this list the properties you want to associate with this System Properties Category (and which will subsequently appear on the system properties page) and use the appropriate controls to move these property names to the right side. The order they appear in this list will directly correspond to the order in which they appear under this Category section heading in the resulting properties page. Once satisfied with the entire list of properties to associate with this System Properties Category and to display on the page, click the Save button. The screen will then return to the System Properties Category form. These steps should be repeated for each System Properties category which should be displayed on the properties page. The new System Properties page should then be accessible from the Main Menu of the Application with which this systems properties page is associated. It will appear as a sub-menu under that Application Menu with the name specified in the New Application Module as created in the steps above.