Discovery via pattern fails with "Identification CI errors: Abandoned due to too many errors"Issue The Discovery process may fail with an error on the pattern logs where you can see: "Identification CI Errors: Abandoned due to too many errors".CauseThis is possibly caused by duplicates on the relationship type table [cmdb_rel_type].Resolution1 - Enable the Debug for the CI Identification parameter on the Discovery properties ( glide.discovery.debug.ci_identification ).2 - Quick discovery the affected device. 3 - Check the logs on the, the CI Identification ones would be like: identification_engine : DUPLICATE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES Duplicate relationship type records exists with name [Master of::Stack Member of] 4 - Figure out which relationship type has got duplicates. Go to and filter by name, there should be only one record for the same type. 5 - Check on the if there is any relationship using that particular type, in which case a deletion would break the link.6 - Delete the record that is not being used.