Different stage colours are showing for reference fields to the task_sla tableDescription Different stage colours appear on list view when there is any reference field on the [incident] table which reference to the [task_sla] table. Steps to Reproduce 1. Navigate to System Definition > Tables.2. Filter as Label=Incident and open the filtered record.3. Click on New on the Columns tab:Type: ReferenceColumn label: Custom SLAColumn name: custom_sla4. Open Reference Specification and set the task_sla table as a reference.5. Click on the Submit button.6. Put a task_sla record on the new field for which "Has Breached" is "true" and stage is "In progress" or "Completed", you can add this value to any open incident.7. Type task_sla on Filter navigator.8. Right click on the column header Configure > All.9. Open the Styles tab and import the XML which is attached on the problem.10. Open the incident list view.11. Configure list layout and add the Custom SLA.Stage field.12. Observe the field on the list view, the small circle beside "In progress" is orange, and for "Completed" it is green. Workaround This is expected behaviour, due to the style directive possibly being overridden, as there is no expectation of which style should take precedence. The workaround is to avoid ambiguous styling and always specify the wanted style in all cases, for example when the SLA is both "In Progress" and "Has Breached". Related Problem: PRB1311775