How to Configure New or Edit UI Action on Related Lists so that it is hidden from multiple related lists for the child tablesIssue How to the hide New or Edit UI Actions on related lists for multiple lists, for example: hide the UI Action is on multiple child tables of a parent. While we have the 'Omit New button' and Omit Edit button' options in Configure/List Control, the change would have to applied individually on each and every related list for the child tables. Instead, we can just update the Condition field in the UI action to check for the parent table's name and hid it from there directly. Procedure Edit the Condition field of the UI Action to include '(parent.getTableName() != "NAME OF PARENT TABLE")For example to hide The 'New' UI Action for all of the child tables of rm_release, you can update the UI Actions Condition field to: current.canCreate() && !RP.getListControl().isOmitNewButton() && RP.isRelatedList() && !RP.isManyToMany() && (parent.getTableName() != "rm_release")Related LinksEditing a UI ActionAdvanced List Control With Scripts