Favorite/Bookmarking modules do not honor module separatorsIssue Overview When we bookmark a child module (under a certain application menu) on the application navigator, for example, if we bookmark Create New under Knowledge > Articles > Create New, the favorite section shows Knowledge - Create New instead of Knowledge - Articles - Create New. For example: Below is the module that you are adding as a bookmark. After adding the above module Knowledge > Articles > Create New, as a bookmark by clicking on the Star Icon, this is how it appears under the bookmarks section. (Knowledge - Create New) Cause Articles, for example, is a separator for a certain list of modules under the Knowledge application menu.The separators are just used for the segregation of modules for better visibility and experience on the application navigator.Hence, Create New falls directly under the Knowledge application menu, and bookmarking them means it's labeling the module navigation "excluding" the separators. ResolutionThis is technically not a bug and for certain business cases, this can be considered as a limitation on our platform. Hence please feel free to raise an enhancement request regarding this such that the respective team can review and address this in near future releases.Related LinksUI16 application navigator