End Users Unable to Change Personalized Time ZoneIssue <!-- div.margin{ padding: 10px 40px 40px 30px; } table.tocTable{ border: 1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); padding-top: .6em; padding-bottom: .6em; padding-left: .9em; padding-right: .6em; } table.noteTable{ border:1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); width: 100%; border-spacing:2; } table.internaltable { white-space:nowrap; text-align:left; border-width: 1px; border-collapse: collapse; font-size:14px; width: 85%; } table.internaltable th { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } table.internaltable td { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #E0E0E0; color: #000000; } .title { color: #D1232B; font-weight:normal; font-size:28px; } h1{ color: #D1232B; font-weight:normal; font-size:21px; margin-bottom:-5px } h2{ color: #646464; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px; } h3{ color: #000000; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:16px; text-decoration:underline; } h4{ color: #646464; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:15px; text-decoration:; } h5{ color: #000000; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:13px; text-decoration:; } h6{ color: #000000; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:14px; text-decoration:; } ul{ list-style: disc outside none; margin-left: 0; } li { padding-left: 1em; } --> Symptoms A ServiceNow user may find that he/she is unable to set a personalized user configured time zone value on an instance. On a default instance, users with the admin or itil role are configured to be able to change their personalized time zone on the instance. However, if this configuration has been changed, or users in additional roles should be able to change the value of their personalized time zone, the procedures below can be followed to allow this. Requirements In order to perform the steps to specify the roles within an instance in which users will be able to change the specific personalized time zone, an individual will need to login using an account with the admin role. Resolution In order to modify the user roles which will have the capability to modify the personalized time zone associated to that user, the following steps can be used. Log in to the instance with an account having admin rights to that instance. In the Filter navigator, type sys_properties.list and press the Enter key. A list of system properties should appear. Filter the properties to locate the system property with the name glide.timezone_changer.roles. Open this property for editing. Review the names in the Value field of this property. By default, the out-of-box system is configured to show the roles admin and itil. This indicates that users in the admin or itil role will be able to set their own time zone value in the instance. The following screenshot shows how the out-of-box view of this property might appear. To modify this value, simply change the roles as listed in the Value field. This should be a comma differentiated list of role names that should have the capability to change the personalized time zone. Click the Update button. After the property is adjusted, users who access the instance after the change has been saved should then be able to change their personalized time zone set for that instance. Additional Information Once a user has the capability to change their time zone, they can modify this time zone by performing the following steps: Log into the instance with the account you want to set the time zone display for.Once logged into the instance, click the cog icon in the upper right corner of the screen.In the General tab of the user configuration screen, use the pull down menu to the right of the Time zone caption to select the time zone you would prefer to have most time and data values displayed in. If this field is not found, ensure the account used is a member of one of the groups configured above to have the capability to set a preferred time zone.