Project is still active even after state moved to CancelledIssue Project is still active even after state moved to Cancelled. The expectation is that when the project state is moved to "Cancelled", the Project's active flag should be unchecked, thus making the project inactive. CauseSeveral additional custom State Choice list values has been configured. A custom UI Action or script setting the state to a custom state and not configuring it in the dictionary attributes override can cause this issue. Sample: Action Name: cancel_project Script: --------------------- ... function serverReopen(){ current.state = 6;// Setting the value to Cancelled ... -------------------------- The script sets the project state field value to 6 but this has not been configured in the attributes override ResolutionRight-click on the Project State field > Show 'State' Dictionary Attributes Check if the state value is includedThe solution is to configure the Attributes Override by following the steps in the documentation: Customize a state for project or project task and specify the override attributes for the dictionary override :