High security plugin - Unable to edit property, users see the message "Not allowing set of unsafe property value: glide.sm.default_mode=Allow"DescriptionEvery time user tries to change the value field of the property 'glide.sm.default_mode' the user get a message 'Not allowing set of unsafe property value: glide.sm.default_mode=Allow'.This property is available with High Security Plugin. Default Deny PropertySteps to Reproduce 1- Go to http://<instancename.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_properties.do?sys_id=7c6aa3eec0a801661201fd1851650d002- Change the 'Value' field from 'deny' to 'allow'.3- Click 'Save'.4- Note the error message: 'Not allowing set of unsafe property value: glide.sm.default_mode=Allow'Unexpected behavior:- Step 4Expected behavior:- Step 4 should be the form been saved without error message (see helsinkipatch7 or geneva patch10)WorkaroundThis is an intended behavior. You should not go to default-allow mode since it exposes all tables without ACLs to everybody.Related Problem: PRB944585