[Password Reset] Error "No service-desk processes found for the user selected." while using the password resetIssue Whenever the password reset is tried through "Service Desk" module, if we select any user in "Select user" field we are getting an error "No service-desk processes found for the user selected.". Below are the steps followed in case of the issue. Goto Application Navigator >> Pasword Reset >> Extensions >> Service DeskThe above will open a page on which we can select user and process to reset the password.On this form select any user in "Select user" field and immediately on top of the page you will see below error: ""No service-desk processes found for the user selected"" When we use "Service Desk" then it calls the UI macro "$pwd_reset_serviceDesk" and this basically looks for the service desk processes. Below are the causes of the issue and related solutions given. CauseCause #1: No active service desk process is present. Cause #2: The UI Macro might have customized.ResolutionSteps to fix for Cause #1 Sometimes, no service desk process is active and so it may throw errors. Just activating any Service Desk process or creating one would resolve the issue. Goto Application Navigator >> Password Reset >> Processes From the above list, look for one active process that is not Public. If you could not find any create one which is not public. Make sure this process is available to that user. Steps to fix for Cause #2 Make sure the UI Macro is OOB. If not revert the UI Macro to OOB. UI Macro Name: $pwd_reset_serviceDesk URL: https://<your-instance>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_ui_page.do?sys_id=1947507bd7032100b9bc43d60e6103b8 Check Versions: Select the System_upgrades versions from the versions tab and use "Revert to this version" UI action to revert.Related LinksConfigure your Password Reset process Service desk - Reset a password or unlock a user account