Current version of Production V3 Knowledge base not allowing users to Publish Articles.Issue Certain users do not see the UI button 'Publish' on the header menu CauseThe workflow for the UI action, 'Publish' has the following parameters:current.workflow_state == "ready to publish" && gs.hasRole('knowledge_admin') && current.parent == "" && current.kb_knowledge_base.kb_version == 2 -The condition is waiting for the user to have the 'knowledge_admin' role: && gs.hasRole('knowledge_admin') -If the user does NOT have the roles, they would not be able to "See" the UI action: PublishResolutionThere are two options going forward: The workflow for the UI action 'Publish' could be edited to not need the knowledge_admin role The knowledge_admin role, would be given to the user in question.