How to make 'After Form Loads' or 'On-demand' the default 'Related list loading' for all usersIssue This knowledge will provide instructions on how to change default 'Related list loading' for all users from 'With the form' to 'After Form Loads' or 'On-demand' setting for loading related list to after form load. Servicenow has given to user the option to decide if the related list will load with the form, after the form, or on demand. Per default all related list will load with the form. However, each user can change the related list loading time for themselves by using the System Preference icon found in the banner frame (Configure when a related list loads). ReleaseIstanbul, Jakarta, KingstonResolutionNavigate to User Administration > User Preferences.Click the button New.Fill out the form as follows: name = glide.ui.related_list_timing Check System check box.User= (this field must be left blank)Value (default = with the form, deferred = after form loads, ondemand = On-demand): deferred ondemanddefault Click the button Submit. The steps above will be applied to all users that do not have its own glide.ui.related_list_timing set to themselves (sys_user_preference records with the User field populated with user name. The changes from this procedure will be applied to all affected users in the next time they login.