How to use Table Cleaner to remove unwanted dataIssue The Table Cleaner feature can be used to delete unwanted data in your ServiceNow instance. This article will assist in creating a new Table Cleaner. The process is designed not to impact performance as it deletes the data in batches/chunks. This currently applies to only instances running with MySQL/MariaDB database. NOTE: Table Cleaner cannot be used for sharded tables, table rotation, or table extension.ResolutionThe following instructions outline the creation of a new Table Cleaner: In the Navigator filter, type: sys_auto_flush_list.doClick on New and a screen will be displayed as per the following attached screenshotBased upon the clean up requirements fill in the following fields accordingly Table Name - Identify Table Name to be cleanedMatchfield - Field based on which records will be cleaned e.g. sys_created_onAge in seconds - How old records to be deleted - Enter the number in seconds - 2592000 for 30 days old records. Enter 0 in seconds if you want to delete all the records for specified condition as specified in ConditionsActive - Check the checkbox to activeApplication - This will be greyed outCascade delete – Check the checkbox to delete cascade relationships to the tableConditions - Add the specified filter condition or do not add it if all the records related of certain age needs to be deleted as specified in Age in seconds Click Submit and the record will be created. On the next execution of the Table Cleaner job this new rule will be executed Related LinksKB0717791 - Mass-Deletion and excess data management recommendations