Requests being ignored in Service Now instance (Service Portal Service Catalog)DescriptionIf you are facing the issue that some of the requests are not returned from the server and the network tab shows a 202 and no data from the server you might be reaching the maximum Request queue limit.ResolutionMax Request Wait limit One of the reasons you might be facing this issue is because you might have reached the maximum limit for transaction wait queue. You might see the following in the node logs, 2018-07-31 11:58:09 (394) http-39 New transaction C190B68BDB2717800DA75EEA4B96190A #256016 /angular.do2018-07-31 11:58:09 (832) http-33 WARNING *** WARNING *** Resource does not exist: /scs/snc_node_disable.html2018-07-31 11:58:10 (754) http-36 WARNING *** WARNING *** Resource does not exist: /scs/snc_node_disable.html2018-07-31 11:58:10 (957) http-27 WARNING *** WARNING *** GlideRequestManager:Running request: /, run time: 4301, waiters: 102018-07-31 11:58:10 (957) http-27 WARNING *** WARNING *** GlideRequestManager:Request ignored: / Default limit is 10 request at all times, If the number of request is more than 10 then other requests will be ignored. You can increase this limit by creating this system property, Name: com.glide.request.max_waiters Type: Integer Value: 20 (Please Note: Dont go above 20 as they might cause performance issues) Additional InformationYou might be facing symptoms like GlideAjax failure/error and Client Script data look up failing.