How User's Avatar picture gets displayed on Service Now instanceIssue This document demonstrates, how User's Avatar picture gets displayed on Service Now Instance. Procedure The user's Avatar picture appears either from the User's profile image or the User's Live profile picture. Here is the Procedure for how the system decides which picture to be displayed as Avatar. If a user updates the Profile picture from the User profile. It creates two entries in the sys_attachment table. One entry with the following values. File Name - PhotoTable Name - ZZ_YYsys_user Second entry with the following values. File Name - thumb_sysid [ Sys id of record created in "a" entry. Table Name - sys_attachmentTable Sys id - Sys id of record created in "a" entry. The Thumb file appears as an Avatar icon for the user. If the user updates the photo from Live Profile. The same two entries get created as mentioned in 1st. If the User's profile photo and Live Profile photo both are updated then the live profile picture takes precedence and the live profile's thumb file will be shown as the User's Avatar icon. If none of the photos are available for the user, then Avatar will be shown as Initials like BA for Beth Anglin. Related LinksThe user's Live profile picture can be updated from the following places. Go to Collaborate -> Live Feed -> Click on Profile name and picture icon -> Hover on Photo -> Upload a picture. Go to Collaborate -> Profiles -> open your profile and upload a photo.Go to Service portal -> Click on your Name -> Profile -> Upload Picture.