How to configure oAuth - Authorization Grant flow for Outbound Rest Message?Issue This article walks through the steps involved to configure OAuth for outbound rest message. Registering a client application in the OAuth Provider is outside the scope of this article. Once the client application is registered note down client id, client secret, and token URL. Check with your vendor if you are not aware of the steps involved to register a client application. ResolutionGoto System oAuth >> Application RegistryChoose 'Connect to a third party OAuth Provider'.Enter a unique name ( ex:Auth_Grant_Type_Demo )Enter Client ID: Client ID of application registered in the third-party OAuth server.Enter Client Secret: Client secret of application registered in the third-party OAuth server.Enter Token URL: OAuth Server's token endpoint.Configure OAuth redirect URL to 'https://<your_instance_name>'Save [Attach Screeshot] A default oAuth profile will be generated in the OAuth Entity Profiles embedded list( ex: Microsoft Graph API Integration default_profile ) [Attach Screenshot] If a scope is required for a Microsoft Graph API, populate the scope in the OAuth Entity embedded list ( ex: name = Users API and value= ). This is provided by Microsoft). [Attach Screenshot] In the OAuth Entity Profiles embedded list, select the profile created in step 9.( ex: Microsoft Graph API Integration default_profile )In the OAuth Entity Profile Scopes embedded list, add a new row and select the scope created in step 10 ( ex: name = Users API ). [Attach Screenshot] Click Update.Configure an outbound rest message with the OAuth profile created in Step 9. These steps are available on the doc site. Go to https://docs.servicenow.comChoose versionsSearch "Configure a REST message with OAuth" Topic Related LinksWhat is the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Type? Authorization code flow for Azure AD Authorization code flow Mulesoft API oAuth Grant Use Case