How to control the order of KB articles display on Service PortalIssue In a base system, the order in which the knowledge base articles appear on the Service Portal is based on the sys_id of the articles.ResolutionClone the KB Category Page widget (Service Portal > Widgets)Update the Body HTML template.To sort the articles by their publishing date, add the "orderBy : '-published'" parameter in line 11 of your cloned KB Category Page widget: <div role="listitem" ng-repeat="kb_article in data.items| orderBy : '-published'" class="sp-kb-topic-article m-b-lg">Note: Adding + or - prefix on orderBy parameter will order by + (ascending) or -(desc); Save the change.Open the Service Portal page designer: /$ Remove the default "KB Category Page" widget from the page.Drag and drop the cloned "KB Category Page" widget to the page.