No catalogs are visible to provision from Cloud user Portal Issue Catalogs are not visible on Cloud User Portal even after the successful publishing of the blueprints. Steps to reproduce : Create blueprint with blueprint container.Publish to catalog.Open cloud user portalLaunch a stackNo blueprint catalog item is visible <!-- p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} -->ReleaseKingstonCauseUser manually nullified the Catalog (sc_category) from Cloud Service Catalog and is the reason why all the catalogs were not showing. ResolutionHop to the instance.Navigate to ""Filter in the Title for Catalog, we could see 2 Compute categories (1 with catalog "Cloud Service Catalog" and 1 with "Cloud Operation Catalog).Open the record for the Catalog with "Cloud Service Catalog", and view the list of Versions available.Verify the Versions, it would be having the latest customized update.Set the Default OOB update version to current.Now, open the Cloud User Portal >>> Launch Stack >>> We can now see the Catalogs available to Provision.