Change Request Calendar View allows Planned Start Date and Planned End Date fields to be modified/edited despite write ACLs (access controls) in place to prevent those actionsDescriptionThe View Calendar option on Change Request allows Planned Start Date and Planned End Date fields to be modified/edited despite write ACLs (access controls) are in place preventing the fields from being modified on the form.Steps to Reproduce Create a Write ACL for Planned Start Date and Planned End Date fields on Change Request table requiring the admin role. Impersonate ITIL User Navigate to the CHG0000090 record. Go to the Schedule' section.Note that the Planned Start Date and Planned End Date are marked as Read only. Click View Calendar and click on the entry where Change is highlighted in blue. Note that the Planned Start and End Date are able to be modified by the ITIL user. Change the values and save the record. It updates the record with new dates; however, the Planned Start and End Dates should treat ACLs same way on Change Request form and fields should be in read-only for change request form. WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1290277