Service Portal widget shows different/unexpected date-time values (timezone) on a portal pageIssue Sometimes, we face issues where Service Portal widget prints wrong date/time values (different timezone) on a portal page. This article explains the reason(s) behind this behavior.ReleaseAll Release Families.ResolutionGenerally in any ServiceNow instance, the date/time fields (Field Class: glide_date_time) actually store values based on GMT timezone (in the respective data center server) regardless of what timezone you have set fo the instance. For example, if an instance timezone is set to US/Pacific: A date/time field let's say "Planned Start Date" present in the Change Request record is displaying (on a form or a list): 2018-04-26 16:42:00Then the actual value that gets stored in the server is in GMT which would be in this case: 2018-04-26 23:42:00 If you're an admin user, you can see the differences via "Show XML" (where it will show the value in GMT timezone unlike the one you see in display on the form). Hence, if a widget's server script is trying to retrieve a date/time field's value via the GlideRecord query, there must be attention on "how" it is being fetched. Let's consider the above simple example ("Planned Start Date"): The dictionary column name for this field is 'start_date'.Hence in the widget's server script, if let's say, glideRecordObject is a GlideRecord object variable, then: glideRecordObject.start_date.toString() will return GMT timezone value (as it just takes the value present in the server)glideRecordObject.start_date.getDisplayValue() will return the "display" value which is based on the timezone that you set in. (getDisplayValue() is a ServiceNow provided API) Related LinksReferences: