Thousands separator value of Knowledge Table (KB) under Number Maintenance displaying dot instead of comma.Issue The thousands separator value of Knowledge Table (KB) under Number Maintenance, the Number displays a dot instead of a comma. CauseNavigate to System Properties > System Localization. Check for the value: "Locale code to use for localization" has value : nl.NL nl.NL Format is [language code].[country code]. The Dutch numbering system uses the dot as thousands separator and the comma as decimal separator, for example: "10.032,45 €" is "ten thousand and thirty two euro and forty five cents" ResolutionNavigate to System Properties > System Localization.Change the "Locale code to use for localization" to default blank from nl.NL.Click "Save"Navigate to System Properties > Number Maintenance> Filter with KB Table The thousands separator value of Knowledge Table (KB) Number shows comma instead of dot.