"Did you mean" functionality on Service portal's global searchIssue When a user searches a phrase on service portal, "Did you mean" functionality is triggered which displays related phrases that can be searched for better results. These can be alternate meaning, synonyms, etc. Resolution"Did you mean" is a dynamic functionality which works based on the how users are using the instance mainly, search phrases used by them. There are 3 parts to this functionality: Stemming; which is responsible for creation of word families, words related to the searched phrase by its meaning, synonyms etc. The [ts_word] table is populated based on this information, and the "Did you mean" functionality uses this data.Spell Checker; this 3rd party library is used for suggestion based on incorrect spellings in the search phrase.Trends; the system stores popular trends based on the search strings of users and frequency of them. The most popular one based on its mean and logic, are clubbed with the searched phrase and become part of "Did you mean" suggestions. The suggestions are all present in the [ts_phrase] table and associations are stored in the [ts_chain_summary] table. While searching for the word "offboarding" there will be a suggestion on top of the widget stating "did u mean: evaporating, onboarding, offboarding offboarding offboarding offboarding, board" etc. Related LinksThese system properties affect the behavior of this functionality: glide.ts.dym.enable_spell_correctglide.ts.dym.enable_chain_suggestglide.spell.dictionary.en For more information, see the documentation topic: Configure a "Did You Mean?" suggestion