Spell check with Connect Chat does not working in Internet Explorer (IE11) browserDescriptionSpell check on Connect Chat text does not working as expected in Internet Explorer (IE11). After doing a spell check and entering the correct word, the incorrect word before correction still gets submitted. Steps to Reproduce 1. Log in any instance as admin and make sure Connect and Connect Support plugins are active.2. Go to one of the available connect queue, for example "Customer Service Support".3. Initiate a chat conversation going to the support link from the queue.4. Log on to same instance via IE11 browser as agent user, for example "John Jason".5. Accept the incoming chat.6. Reply to the chat entering a string with some spelling mistakes, for example "connnnection".7. Enter space after the wrong word. Notice the word will be underlined in red as a recognized spelling mistake.8. Right click on the word, the spell checker suggests the correct spelling.9. Select the correct spelling and observe the word gets corrected to "connection" in the chat window.10. Click Enter. Observe the incorrect word before the spell check is sent through the chat.WorkaroundAfter carefully considering the severity and frequency of the issue, and the cost and risk of attempting a fix, it has been decided to not address this issue in any current or near future releases. We do not make these decisions lightly, and we apologize for any inconvenience. You can submit an Enhancement Request from the Self-Service portal on HI, and Subscribe to this article to be notified in case of future updates. Related Problem: PRB1256408