Disable the pop-up that is displayed when we hover over the icons in catalog homepage (other than service catalog)Issue In the catalog homepage (other than service catalog i.e Technical Catalog) inside the platform UI, on hovering over the item icons, the popup fills in the entire screen when the resolution is increased. Therefore the user cant navigate to other part of the pageResolutionUnfortunately, there is no system property to turn off the pop-up feature. However, it is possible to disable the popup by customizing the UI macro. Please note that when the UI macro is customized, updates will be skipped for that particular UI macro and you have to manually restore the skipped updates. Please refer to this link for resolving a skipped update. https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_ResolveASkippedUpdate.html&version=latest NEXT STEPS: 1. Go to the UI Macro, "sc_catalog_homepage_item" 2. Inside the xml, remove the "onmouseover" and "onmouseout" attributes found inside the span tag on lines 13 and 19. 3. Save the macro and now the pop-up will not show up.