Calculated display value is not showing the correct calculated value on a reference fieldDescriptionIf you defined a field to have a calculated value of say, two fields of a table, and then have this field on a form, it displays it correctly. However, if you create a reference field on another table that queries the display value of the calculated field, it does not work correctly.Steps to Reproduce Create a test reference field on the [incident] table named 'u_test' referencing say, sys_user_group.Create a calculated field on the [task] table named 'u_test_display_name' with this calculated value:var values = [current.number + ' -' ,current.u_test]; var display_name = ""; //gs.log("The vale of Purchase Model: " + current.u_purchase_model + ". And the value of PO Number is: " + current.po_number, "Purchase Model");for (var x=0;x<values.length;x++) { if (values[x] != undefined && values[x] != "" && values[x] != " -") { display_name = display_name + ' ' + values[x]; } } current.display_name = display_name.trim();--Make sure the Display field is checked on the dictionary of this field.Create a test reference field on the [problem] table named 'u_test_ref_field' referencing the [task] table.Personalize the incident form to have these fields: 'u_test' and 'u_test_display_name'.Personalize the problem form to have this field: 'u_test_ref_field'.On the incident form, populate the 'u_test' field with anything. Save the record.-->Notice now the field 'u_test_display_name' displays 'record's number - sys_id of value in u_test'Now go to problem form, and populate the 'u_test_ref_field' with the record's number seen from the incident record.-->Notice that the reference field displays 'record's number - ' and nothing after the '-' sign.-->If you change the reference table of this field from [task] to [incident], it will work correctly.WorkaroundAfter carefully considering the severity and frequency of this problem, and risk of attempting a fix, it has been decided to not address this issue in any current or future releases. We do not make these decisions lightly, and we apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions regarding this problem, contact ServiceNow Technical Support. As a workaround, set the field value with a Business Rule if possible. The use of calculated fields is generally discouraged.Related Problem: PRB626124