Reference pop-up window doesn't show all required fieldsIssue The reference pop-up window that displays when you click/hover on the reference icon does not display the correct fields or fields that are missing. CauseThe information displayed in the reference pop-up window is determined by the sys_popup view defined for that table/form. If the defined view doesn't exist, the system uses the default view. If you have customized the default view, the required set of fields might be removed or a different set of fields added to the view.A sys_popup view exists for the specific table/form but it might not contain the required fields or contain a different set of fields.ResolutionIf no sys_popup view is defined for the specific table/form, correct the existing view to include the required fields: As an admin, navigate to the list (for example incident.list), which will load the case list.Open any existing record from the list. The record will open in the default view. On the case form, right-click on the form header and choose to Configure > Form Layout.Use the slushbucket, select the fields you want to display in the pop-up window, and click Save.Refresh the incident list and check the reference icon to see whether the pop-up window is displaying the updated default view. If the sys_pop view exists but does not contain the correct fields, update it. As an admin, navigate to the list (for example incident.list), which will load the case list.Open any existing record from the list. The record will open in the default view. On the case form, right-click on the form header and choose to Configure > Form Layout.Select sys_popup view from the view name field.Use the slushbucket, select the fields you want to display in the pop-up window, and click Save.Refresh the incident list and check the reference icon to see whether the pop-up window is displaying the updated default view.If the default view should not be modified but you can modify only the pop-up window, create the sys_popup view. As an admin, navigate to the list (for example incident.list), which will load the case list. Open any existing record from the list. The record will open in the default view. On the case form, right-click on the form header and choose to Configure > Form Layout.In the View name, click New.Provide the view name as "sys_popup".Select the fields that you want to display in the pop-up window and click Save.Refresh the incident list and check the reference icon to see whether the pop-up window is displaying the updated default view.Related LinksReference field icon product documentation topic