Once the Time card is saved it updates the actual effort hours and then once it gets approved it generates more hours and then updates the actual effort hours.DescriptionOnce the Time card is saved it updates the actual effort hours and then once it gets approved it generates more hours and then updates the actual effort hours.CauseThe deprecated system property com.snc.time_card.update.effort which was set to true. This property has been deprecated and replaced by 'Update actual effort from time card' field on the project table. Update the task's 'Actual effort' based on the hours entered in the time card.ResolutionThe expected behavior with time cards is it will only add those hours to the actual effort hours field once the time card is approved.Saving the time card SHOULD NOT update the actual effort hours field.The issue was due to the property com.snc.time_card.update.effort to false and the Actual effort field on the project form to be YES.