Domain separation: Reference qualifiers with Choice List specification do not work as expected for process-separated domain dataDescription With domain separation, if you set up two reference fields where one field's value is dependent on the other field with a reference qualifier, if the data is process separated and the dependent reference field is set up as a Choice List, the system is not able to pull up expected values for the child domain under certain scenarios. Steps to Reproduce <!-- ul { list-style: disc outside none; margin-left: 0; } li { padding-left: 1em; } --> Setup Steps In a domain-separated instance, set up a new custom Choice table with the following fields: Name, Field, Table, Dependent, Overrides, Domain, Domain Path. Set up two new fields on the Incident table. Cat Demo(u_cat_demo) Type: Reference Reference: Choice (the newly created table) Ref Qual Condition: Field: Cat Demo Table: Incident Subcat Demo (u_subcat_demo) Type: Reference Reference: Choice (the newly created table) Advanced Ref Qualifier=javascript:'u_dependent=' + current.u_cat_demo Attributes: ref_qual_elements=u_cat_demo, ref_auto_completer=AJAXReferenceChoice Choice List Specification= Any value from the drop-down list other than --None-- Add test data to the u_choice table by importing the attached u_choice.XML file or creating the data as shown in the figure. Make sure that the Dependent field for the child domain records has the sys ID of the parent domain. Test Steps Create a new Incident in a domain-separated incident. Set the caller to a user in the Acme domain so that the incident record's domain is set to Acme. Save the new incident record and reload the form. Note that the Cat Demo and Subcat Demo fields pull up the reference values as expected. Set the Cat Demo field to Acme and check the value of SubcatDemo field. Rather than having choice values only from Acme domain, the list is empty. Note that if you save the form with the value Acme in Cat Demo field, the Subcat Demo field drop-down list shows the available options. Workaround Remove the Choice List Specification in the dependent field's dictionary record. The issue is not present if the field is presented as a reference pop-up versus a choice list drop-down list. Related Problem: PRB1273594