How to hide the submit button for a Catalog Item in Service PortalIssue This article shows you how to hide the "Submit" button for a catalog item in Service Portal, which will force all users to use the "Add to Cart" Procedure Cloning the OOB catalog item widget: TheOut Of Box widget for rendering the catalog item is called "SC Catalog Item", Link to the Catalog Item: https://<instance-name> on the "Clone Widget" UI action on the top right corner for the Form Header Adding the code to hide the Submit button: Once the widget is cloned, select "Open in Widget Editor" at the bottom of the "Related Links"Change line number 41 (approx) of HTML code from <button ng-if="::c.showOrderNowButton()" tabindex="0" name="submit" ng-disabled="submitted" ng-click="triggerOnSubmit()" class="btn btn-primary">{{submitButtonMsg}}</button> to <button ng-hide="data.sys_id=='<sys_id of the catalog item>'" ng-if="::c.showOrderNowButton()" tabindex="0" name="submit" ng-disabled="submitted" ng-click="triggerOnSubmit()" class="btn btn-primary">{{submitButtonMsg}}</button> Change the placeholder <sys_id of the catalog item> with the sys_id of your catalog item. Associating the newly cloned widget to the "sc_cat_item" page: Navigate to Service Portal > PagesFilter using [ID][is][sc_cat_item]Open the record for "sc_cat_item"Select the "Instance" link next to "SC Catalog Item". See the screenshot:In the widget instance, navigate to the "Widget" tabChange the "Widget" field from "SC Catalog Item" to "<name of the newly cloned widget>"ReleaseThis article was based on the Jakarta version of the Now platform but can be interpolated for other versions as well, with few modifications.Related LinksCloning Widget DocsngHide Documentation