How to create links in Service Portal that open in a new tabIssue By default, all links open in the same window or tab. This article provides several options (using various widgets) for creating links in a Service Portal that open in a new tab.Release All ReleasesResolutionUsing link-button widget: Clone the widget first to allow customization.On the HTML Template field on the widget, add in the attribute of target="_blank" so it's like this:<a target="_blank" ng-href="{{options.href}}" class="btn btn-{{options.color}} m-b" role="button">{{data.buttonMsg}}</a> Using Icon Link widget: Clone the widget first to allow customization.In the widget editor, click the menu icon and click Edit option schema.Click the + icon to add a widget option as follows: Label: TargetName: targetType: ChoiceChoices: _blank, _self, etc. (you may add more options that make sense for link type such as _top) Now, whenever this widget is used there would now be the option to select the target type for the link. Setting it to _blank will make the links open in a new tab. This works because of how the widget was already configured to receive the additional option (target). In the HTML template, each anchor tag (<a/>) has this attribute already: target="{{}}" which is defined in the Server Script field of the widget: = || "" Using HTML widget: Add the HTML widget to a page as normal.On the HTML field of the widget create a link by going to the source code (using the <> icon on the editor).Put the target attribute with value _blank as seen in the image or example code below for the link:(<a href="" target="_blank">Your link text</a>)