Message "You do not have access to any dashboards. For more information, contact your system administrator." when viewing the Summary of a project in Project WorkspaceIssue <!-- div.margin{ padding: 10px 40px 40px 30px; } table.tocTable{ border: 1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); padding-top: .6em; padding-bottom: .6em; padding-left: .9em; padding-right: .6em; } table.noteTable{ border:1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); width: 100%; border-spacing:2; } table.internalTable{ border:1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); width: 100%; border-spacing:0; } .sp td{ border-bottom: 1px solid; border-right: 1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: #ffffff; height: 20px; padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em; padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em; } .sphr td{ border-right: 1px solid; border-bottom: 1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em; padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em; height: 20px; } .title { color: #D1232B; font-weight:; font-size:25px; } .hd1{ color: #D1232B; font-weight:; font-size:18px; } .hd2{ color: #646464; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; } .hd3{ color: #7a7a7a; font-weight:; font-size:16 px; text-decoration:; } .hd4{ color: #000000; font-weight:bold; font-size:14 px; text-decoration:; } --> Issue SummaryDespite having the it_project_user and project_user roles, non-admin users are receiving the "You do not have access to any dashboards. For more information, contact your system administrator." message when viewing the Summary of a project in Project Workspace. As per the Kingston documentation, only it_project_user should be required to see the Summary tab in Project Workspace. Most Probable CauseThe 'Summary' tab in the Project Workspace is a Performance Analytics Responsive Dashboard. To be able to see responsive dashboards, the property 'glide.cms.enable.responsive_grid_layout' needs to be set to 'true'. If Responsive Canvas was not enabled in Helsinki, Istanbul, or Jakarta, Responsive Dashboards functionality is not enabled on upgrade to Kingston, Responsive Dashboards plugins are activated by default, but the 'glide.cms.enable.responsive_grid_layout' system property is still set to 'false'. Solution ProposedResponsive Dashboards need to be activated by setting the 'glide.cms.enable.responsive_grid_layout' system property to 'true'.