Adding an existing option to a Select Box variable via a Catalog Client Script displays an empty choice in list dropdownDescriptionReproducible in K, not an issue in I and J.Steps to Reproduce 1 - In a Kingston instance, open an sc_cat_item record, i.e. Access:<instancename>/ - Scroll down to 'Variables' related list and click New:type: Select Boxquestion: q1name: q13 - Click Save and stay at q1 Variable form4 - Scroll down to 'Question Choices' related list and create choices as below; text / value / order--------------------------- one / one / 100 two / two / 200three / three/ 3005 - Go back to Access catalog item. Scroll down to 'Catalog Client Scripts' related list. Click Newtype: onLoadscript: function onLoad() { g_form.addOption('q1','two','two');}6 - Click Submit7 - Go to Access catalog item once more. Click Try It from the form header section.<instancename>/ - Check the q1's options. Notice the dropdown list shows the following:-one-three-<blank>-twoWorkaroundModify the Catalog Client Script to check if the option exists in the options list before trying to add it to the list. i.e.: if (!g_form.getOption('q1', 'two')) { g_form.addOption('q1', 'two', 'two'); }Related Problem: PRB1251363