Upon submission of any catalog item request form, the page reads "The element type "j2:forEach" must be terminated by the matching end-tag """ Issue Upon submission of any catalog item request form, the page reads "The element type "j2:forEach" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</j2:forEach>"." CauseCustom UI pageResolution1. This is coming up due to custom UI page in use: "com.glideapp.servicecatalog_checkout_view" 2. UI page link : /nav_to.do?uri=/sys_ui_page.do%3Fsys_id%3D988e5075c0a80027004c16fe098e17c1%26sysparm_record_list%3DnameLIKEcheckout%5EORnameLIKEcart%5EORDERBYname%26sysparm_record_target%3Dsys_ui_page%26sysparm_record_row%3D3%26sysparm_record_rows%3D8 3. For testing purpose, the page has been reverted this back to OOB and it is working fine. You can see that running fine on the instance. => Fix : Revert the UI page to OOB page.