When adding an attachment in non-English language, the Browse... button always says 'Browse...' regardless of what entered under sys-loc - messages. Also 'Choose Files' in the attachment dialog box uses the browser's language instead of the user's.DescriptionWhen adding an attachment in non-English language, the Browse... button always says 'Browse...' regardless of what entered under sys-loc - messages. The 'Choose Files' button in the attachment dialog box uses the browser's system language instead of the user's instance chosen language.Steps to Reproduce 1 - Browser Chrome set to German 2 - Service Now instance set to English 3 - Open an existing or new incident 4 - Click the attachment icon in the header row 5 - The attachment dialog will be displayed 6 - There should be a button "Durchsuchen" (German) instead of "Browse"WorkaroundThis is expected behaviour, as these are not a ServiceNow buttons. The SN platform is using the standard HTML's <input type="file"> as the button on the Attachment dialog. It is browser dependent, usually coming from the operating system language, and cannot be translated. Related Problem: PRB042408