Service Portal does not support URL parametersDescriptionService Portal does not support sysparm URL parameters. When creating a facilities request through the Service Portal, the Assignment Group is not applied. If you order the same item through the Service Catalog, the assignment group is applied. Steps to Reproduce 1. Ensure that Facilities Service Management plugin is enabled. 2. Proceed to Facilities Request Templates 3. Create a Test template with the assignment group set on the task section of the form. Make sure you tie the template to a catalog item. 4. Order the test item via the service portal. 5. Proceed to "My Requests" you will see the request. 6. You will notice that the Assignment Group is missing. 7. Order the same item via the service catalog. 8. You will notice that the Assignment Group is populated.WorkaroundThis issue has been identified as a future Product Enhancement. The sysparm URL parameters can not be processed by the Service Portal. This is not likely to change as these parameters drive several UI functions, from limiting a list query to applying default values to a new record. There are hundreds of different system parameters used by different UI components and applications, that could not realistically be supported. You can submit an Enhancement Request from the Self-Service portal on HI, and Subscribe to this article to be notified in case of future updates. Related Problem: PRB712349