Query list filter displays all the entered criteria values in multiple lines without breadcrumbs on a max limit cutoff and not terminating with [...]DescriptionIn previous version (Fuji), when a default filter (e.g. on Incidents > Open) was defined as "Assignment group IN" instead of "Assignment group IS", the list of assignment groups in the query was cut off after a few groups with [...]. This was appreciated by users who were member of many groups. Since Helsinki, all the group names are shown creating a long filter string.Steps to Reproduce 1- Login a Jakarta Patch 2 instance as administrator 2- Go to sys_user table and select a user 3- Add all the available groups to the selected user 4- Create a few extra groups with long names and add those too to the selected user 5- Go to: System Definition > Application Menus > Incidents 6- Under Roles make sure the record is available for everyone 7- Under Modules related list select: Incidents:/nav_to.do?uri=sys_app_module.do?sys_id=4fed4395c0a8016400fcf06c27b1e6c6- - - Title: Incidents.Application Menu: Service DeskLink Type: List of Records.Table: Incidents- - - 8- Under Link type > Arguments replace the existing argument with the following- - - Arguments: active=true^assignment_groupINjavascript:getMyGroups()^ORDERBYpriority`- - - 9- Save the changes 10- Login to the instance impersonating the user selected in step 2 11- Go to: Self Service > Service Desk > Incidents > OpenObserve the filter query is all displayed in multiple lines instead of getting truncated with breadcrumbs terminating with [...]WorkaroundPrevious similar problem PRB712586 was fixed in Jakarta. This new problem is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. Related Problem: PRB1236935