Search Engine URL changes of new Text SearchIssue Search Engine URL changes of new Text Search Overview If using the new search functionality starting from Jakarta, the legacy exact match search bookmarks or search engines are not going to work. Here are some of the ways to configure your search results to make it work. URL changes for new Text Search Legacy search uses to perform the search, as shown in the example URL below https://<yourInstance> search_term can be task record number (for Exact Match search) or any text that would like to get the results. This is also the place you would replace it with %s for Chrome search engine. The new search is slightly different if you use the same URL to search it will redirect to $, Example URL https://<yourInstance>$ The search_term defined here is similar to the legacy search but if the search term includes a record number for a task record, it is considered as a search term. Due to which it searches for the term and provides relevant results but does not directly go to the record. In order to use the Exact match feature for text search, please use the below link https://<yourInstance> This link can be used for both searching the term and exact match search. If term matches a valid task record number, it will take you to the respective task record. For any other term, it automatically redirects to $ and searches it there. Switch to Legacy search Please use the documentation to switch back to legacy search