When adding a report to a dashboard with an ampersand (&) in its name, the ampersand displays as '&'Description When the property glide.ui.escape_text is set to 'false', the Encoded HTML Entity in the Reference Fields for the ampersand (&) character is no longer displayed. However, if a dashboard has an ampersand in its name, when trying to add a report to this dashboard, the ampersand character in the dashboard name is shown as the Encoded HTML Entity, which for the ampersand character is '&' . Steps to Reproduce Set the system property glide.ui.escape_text to false. Navigate to Self-Service > Dashboards. From the context menu, select New Dashboard. Provide the Name "A Test &" and click Submit. Navigate to Reports > View / Run. Open any existing report. From the drop-down actions list next to the Save button, select Add to Dashboard. For the Add to, click the Dashboard button. In the Dashboard drop-down list, click the down arrow to display all dashboards that can be selected. Note that the name of the dashboards appear with the & character shown as '&' rather than the '&' character. Workaround If you are able to upgrade, upgrade to Jakarta or a later product release for a fix for this issue. Related Problem: PRB1256963