A workflow in the global domain is not visible and cannot be triggered from a different domain. Issue The workflow "TDCH - Decommission Windows Server" in the global domain is not visible and cannot be triggered from a different domain. CauseThe "TDCH - Decommission Windows Server" was originally created as "TDCH - Decommission Virtual Windows Server". This workflow was checked out on the "Users" domain, creating a copy with the same name but restricting it to the "Users" domain. During the same process, the original workflow from the global domain will no longer be available for the "Users" domain. Later, the global domain workflow "TDCH - Decommission Virtual Windows Server" was renamed to "TDCH - Decommission Windows Server", however, the relation between this workflow and the copy generated on the "Users" domain when it was checked out remains. For that reason, "TDCH - Decommission Virtual Windows Server" can only be seen on the "Users" domain where it was created and the "TDCH - Decommission Windows Server" cannot be seen on the Users domain because there is a copy of it already running. Please refer to the following docs page for further information: https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=c_WorkflowsAndDomainSeparation.html&version=latest ResolutionYou can create a new workflow on global domain and it will be available for all other domains. Another approach is to delete the workflow from the "Users" making the original global workflow available again.