Attachment popup window in a content page appears off screen and not in viewportDescription When calling the attachment popup window in a content page, it will appear at the top of a form and not in the viewport if the top of the form has scrolled off the window. Steps to Reproduce Modify any catalog item to include a button for attachments at the bottom, the longer the form the easier the problem is to see.Include that item in an ESS page.Scroll to the bottom of the ESS page and click the attachments button.The 'Add attachment' window will appear at the top of the form regardless if the top of the form is visible. Workaround Modify your custom UI Macro adding "parent.scrollTo(0, 0);" in the "onclick" before the attachment popup button. For example: <button id="attachmentButton" onclick="saveCatAttachment(gel('sysparm_item_guid').value, '$[item_table]')">Add attachment</button> Change to: <button id="attachmentButton" onclick="parent.scrollTo(0, 0); saveCatAttachment(gel('sysparm_item_guid').value, '$[item_table]')">Add attachment</button> Related Problem: PRB634811