Chat Support: When transferring from one queue to another, the previous chat entry is closed off without a closed timestamp or the duration being updatedDescriptionChat Support: When transferring from one queue to another, the previous chat entry is closed as Closed Escalated; however, the closed timestamp and duration is empty when this happens. The new chat entry when closed off has this information filled out correctly.Steps to Reproduce Set up three different browsers, each logged in as the following demo users: Joe EmployeeBeth AnglinDavid Loo As Joe Employee, navigate to the following queue and start a chat. /$ As Beth Anglin, accept the support chat and add a few chat entries. Transfer the chat to the HR Support queue. As David Loo, accept the support chat, add a few entries, and then close the chat. Expected behavior – The first chat queue entry that was assigned to Beth Anglin has the closed timestamp and duration filled out. Actual behavior – The first chat queue entry that was assigned to Beth Anglin does not have a closed timestamp and the duration is empty. WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix. Related Problem: PRB1096999