The [error] variable does not persist in an [onAfter] script in a transform mapDescriptionThe [error] variable does not persist in an [onAfter] script in a transform map.Steps to Reproduce 1) create a data source into [sys_user] table with the following sample csv file as attachment: email,first name,last name,user_name,Abel,Tuter1,abel.tuter,Kevin,Owens1,abel.tuter Note that the second user has the first user's user_name and this will cause a duplicated key error when inserting. 2) Create a new transform map: a) coalesce on [email] so they are treated as two different records, map the [user_name] to [sys_user].[user_name] b) create an new [onAfter] script with the following script:'# - OnAfter: Email: '+ source.u_email + ', error: ' + error) 3) Run the import and transform. 4) Expect a duplicated key error. Expected Results: error variable is printed as [true] Actual Results: error variable is printed as [false], the [error] value does not persist.WorkaroundThis is expected behaviour. The [error] variable is not set to true while running the transformation in case of an error. It is available in a script to be able to stop the transformation. Ref.: Transformation script variables Field map script variables Related Problem: PRB633362