How to troubleshoot homepages not loading in Mobile UI ($ How to troubleshoot homepages not loading in Mobile UI ($ The objective of this article is to help troubleshooting home pages on the mobile UI. Procedure Access the instance from mobile browserhttps://<instance-name>$ home page keeps loading indefinitely...Access the instance from the standard desktop UI https://<instance-name>.service-now.comThe home page loads properly. Problem In such a scenario, navigating to /$ you might observe the following JavaScript error in the bowser console: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'hide_favorites_page' of undefined at y (js_includes_snm.jsx?v=09-05-2017_1648&lp=Thu_Dec_28_17_54_22_PST_2017&c=22_282:10) at Object.v [as getHomepageData] (js_includes_snm.jsx?v=09-05-2017_1648&lp=Thu_Dec_28_17_54_22_PST_2017&c=22_282:10) at js_includes_snm.jsx?v=09-05-2017_1648&lp=Thu_Dec_28_17_54_22_PST_2017&c=22_282:10 at <anonymous> Resolution The error occurs because records in the [sys_ui_mobile_home_page_module] associated modules are either not present, or set as inactive in the mobile modules list. For example: "Share Location", "Favorite KPIs", and "Connect Chat". For the Home page to load properly in the Mobile browser, [sys_ui_mobile_home_page_module] records should have mobile modules associated with them. These should be active in the Mobile modules as well.