When having a list that contains E164 formatted values for phone numbers, the filter only accepts values that are without blanks.DescriptionWhen having a list that contains E164 formatted values for phone numbers, the filter only accepts values that are without blanks.Steps to Reproduce Create a column on the [incident] table called as phone_number which is of type Phone Number (E164)Now go to the [incident] form and configure this field in the list and form layout.Enter the Values phone_number for 3 or 4 incidents.Example : Choose country as Netherlands and Enter +31623947387 , +31623947388 , +31623947389 as some phone numbers on different incidents.Because of the field type, the format will be corrected by the system and you will see them as follows:+31 6 23947386 , +31 6 23947388 , +31 6 23947387Now in the list view, search for these numbers > nothing is returned.URL samples:Use the following URL:https://yourinstance.service-now.com/incident_list.do?sysparm_query=phone_numberLIKE%2B31%206%2023947386Nothing is returned.Remove the %20 (replacement for a space in the URL):https://yourinstance.service-now.com/incident_list.do?sysparm_query=phone_numberLIKE%2B312062023947386The phone nunber is found.WorkaroundThis is expected behavior and by design in all currently supported releases.Related Problem: PRB1244654