Unable to hide "Edit cart" and "Continue shopping' on the shopping cart widget even after unchecking them on the maintain cart layout "Shopping Cart"Issue Unable to hide 'edit cart' and 'continue shopping' on shopping cart widget even after unchecking the buttons maintain cart layout "Shopping Cart" (https://instance_name.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sc_layout.do?sys_id=3e69cb12d7012100f2d224837e610316 CauseThere was a custom UI (user interface) macro called 'catalog_item' that was missing following lines of code. We have updated with the code and seems to be working fine. Note: If you use OOTB (out of the box) UI macros then it should work as expected.ResolutionWe have updated with the code and seems to be working fine. From line 192 - 198: <g2:evaluate var="jvar_use_cart_layouts" jelly="true"> var jvar_use_cart_layouts = new SNC.ServiceCatalogLayoutService().useSCLayout(); if (jvar_use_cart_layouts == true) jvar_use_cart_layouts = sc_cat_item.use_sc_layout + ''; else jvar_use_cart_layouts = 'false'; jvar_use_cart_layouts; </g2:evaluate> If we honor the cartLayouts we should invoke the corresponding macro. Refer to line 207: <j2:if test="$[jvar_use_cart_layouts == 'true']"> <g2:catalog_cart_v2 /> </j2:if>