Record count on Visual Task Board does not match the record count in the View Table | TroubleshootingIssue The data count on the Visual Task Board (VTB) is not matching with the record count in the View table link for a non-admin user. Steps to reproduce Impersonate a non-admin user. Open the affected VTB (example URL: https://<instance-name>$<sys_id>). Click View table and note the record count value. Note the values of the Count field on the VTB. Note that the record count does not match with the View table list value. CauseThe non-admin user belongs to a lower domain like TOP/LOWER_DOMAIN/SUB_DOMAIN.On the vtb_card list for the affected board, not all of cards are created on the same domain.Few vtb_card records are pointing to different domains like TOP/ANOTHER_LOWER_DOMAIN or TOP. Clicking View table opens a list where all records are shown because they all belong to the same domain as the user TOP/LOWER_DOMAIN/SUB_DOMAIN. Thus, the record count on the VTB cannot match with the table list. ResolutionCorrect the vtb_card records (/<boardname>) to have the same domain as the user TOP/LOWER_DOMAIN/SUB_DOMAIN.